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May 1st: we raise the internationalist banner of the revolutionary working class, the gravediggers of capital

Monday, 29 April 2024 20:52


The workers of the whole world must face this historic world situation with the strength of our class to destroy this capitalist system that only offers us super-exploitation and a miserable life.

The capitalist system expresses a historical crisis in its organization of the social relations of production and its forms of domination. The crisis opened by the war between two former workers' States -an unprecedented situation in history-, added to the world economic crisis and the post-pandemic processes, brings up elements of rupture of the unstable world equilibrium.  In addition to the continuation of Russia's war against Ukraine, the Israeli attack on Palestine and Iran's response to an Israeli attack on its embassy in Syria are beginning to develop a destabilizing trend throughout the Middle East. The world economy is heading towards a recession with elements of depression, with debt crises in the semicolonies and inflationary processes in a large part of the planet.

The decomposition of imperialism and its domination has its historical expression in the organization of social relations as a capitalist system, which is anarchic. Precisely, those relations are the ones that have incurred into an explosive contradiction, since the relation between capital and labor cannot longer be contained within the institutions created for its domination. And capitalism has not been able to find, along the historical process, its replacement by another form of bourgeois State domination.

For a revolutionary solution to the capitalist crisis and war policies

This Labor Day we reaffirm our history as a social class and firmly raise the banners of the Paris Commune, of the Russian Revolution, of the martyrs of Chicago, and of the workers leaders who died or were assassinated for confronting this capitalist system. That is why 138 years after that May 1st in which the American bourgeoisie murdered the martyrs of Chicago, it is essential to take up again the tasks of revolutionaries in the fight against capitalism and its institutions, especially the national States. We fight for the destruction of the bourgeois State and we rely on the experience of the Russian Revolution and its Soviet system.

It is at this moment that the intervention of the working class as an international class, and not tied to its nation States, becomes primordial, to show the power of a class that can confront the capitalist system. Our task is to intervene in a revolutionary way to defeat the warlike policy of imperialism; to unite the Ukrainian and Russian proletariat in a revolutionary war to go against the process of assimilation, its counterrevolutionary bureaucracies and imperialism. We must support the Palestinian resistance with the methods of the working class, with pickets and strikes, to prevent the rearmament of the Israeli army. We must fight so that our class is not the one to pay for the military rearmament of the imperialist countries and their austerity policies. In some countries an important ally of the working class is beginning to re-emerge, the student movement. The American and the French students, for instance,  have occupied Universities against the Israeli genocide in Gaza, and so there have been struggles in Brazil, Colombia and Argentina against the defunding of education. 

For internationalism to develop it is of first order the reconstruction of the IV International, to provide a revolutionary leadership to this historical process, to regenerate a workers’ vanguard able to offer a Marxist perspective to the world proletariat. We believe that as a first task in this way we must call for an international conference of the Trotskyist currents that still claim the dictatorship of the proletariat to discuss the tasks we have in face of the world situation.

For the internationalist unity of the workers against imperialism and NATO: Expulsion of the Russian troops from Ukraine!

For the defeat of the enclave of Israel and the triumph of the Palestinian resistance!

Long live the struggle of the world working class! Long live the Fourth International!

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