February 02, 2025

Appeal for an International Conference for the reconstruction of the Fourth International


by TRCI-web

In view of the magnitude of the crisis and the acceleration of the war preparations, aware of the consequences that this implies for our class, it is urgent to make an appeal for an International Conference, addressed to those currents that still raise the need for…
May 03, 2024

Solidaridad con Michael Pröbsting (CCRI)


by TRCI-web

3 de mayo de 2024 Expresamos nuestra solidaridad con Michael Pröbsting, secretario internacional de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional, tras ser condenado por el Estado austríaco de “incitación a cometer delitos terroristas y aprobación de los delitos terroristas” en ocasión de una manifestación de solidaridad con…
April 29, 2024

Permier mai : Nous levons la bannière internationaliste de la classe ouvrière révolutionnaire, les fossoyeurs…


by TRCI-web

Les travailleurs du monde entier doivent affronter cette situation historique mondiale avec la force de notre classe afin de détruire ce système capitaliste qui ne nous garantit que la surexploitation et une vie misérable. Le système capitaliste exprime une crise historique dans son organisation des rapports…

Long live the struggle of the Colombian people

TRFI Statement Mobilizations and confrontations continue to take place in the streets of Colombia, after 5 days of fury against the tax reform that the government wanted to impose and…
articulo con galeria  TRCI

USA: First measures of the new administration

Joe Biden finally assumed the presidency on Wednesday, January 20th. In the midst of a pompous show of Hollywood and music industry stars, which failed to hide the militarization of…

Imperialist democracy, a cracked shell

Statement of the TRFI Imperialist democracy, a cracked shell The assault on the Capitol in Washington, the seat of the US Congress, on Wednesday January 6th, shook the elite who…

North America has voted. Imperialist democracy goes further in its decomposition

North America has voted Imperialist democracy goes further in its decomposition On Tuesday night, November 3rd, the results of the US presidential election were still unclear. Without a landslide victory,…

Disoriented, imperialism chooses leadership

U.S. Elections Disoriented, imperialism chooses leadership Marked by the pandemic and the economic and social crisis, the next U.S. presidential elections will confront the two historic imperialist parties. Current President…

80 years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

80 years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky On August 21, 1940, in Mexico City, Leon Trotsky was murdered by an agent of Stalinism. But despite this brutal attack on…
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